Lakeshore Hotel Suao is located in the peaceful and laid-back small town of Suao in Yilan. Nearby the Nangfanao Harbor, the hotel offers the world’s top-quality cold spring/hot spring and a breathtakingly beautiful sunrise from the sea. Travelers will meet the natural beauties of the four seasons, experience a very different hot spring hotel with the unique cold/hot springs, sunrise, and ocean view. We welcome you to enjoy the Suao-style luxury you deserve.
Lakeshore Promises Safe-Stay Hotel
Insistence on high standard cleaning operations
Assurance on the cleanliness of all the facilities and spaces
As the pandemic begins to die down, people begin to resume their normal lives. All the hotels of the Lakeshore Group maintain a high standard in their cleaning operations as that during the epidemic. Conducting each of the cleaning processes carefully, our staff are dedicated to safeguard the wellbeing and health of our colleagues and visitors.